TransFocus Offerings

Have you ever wondered how to respectfully interact with transgender people, or how to make forms and washrooms more inclusive of transgender people? You’re in the right place! We have answers.

Avoid painful missteps and legal action (e.g., BCHRT 137 and ONHRTO 240)! We offer a suite of options to improve your organization’s culture through education and improve your structures through strategy sessions for greater inclusion of gender diversity in your organization. Whether we join you from the start or meet you part way through your journey, you can choose the number and order of the offerings to match your specific organizational needs.

To begin, choose between two types of delivery: live services and/or our on-demand products. Key drivers in the choice between the two is budget and ability to schedule employees.


Established budget &
Scheduling ease

Lower budget or
Scheduling complexities


  • You have choices among 3 levels of education, including

    • Gender Diversity Basics (GDB): For all levels of employees and is focused on language, context, and respectful interactions among people we are meeting for the first time. French is also available.

    • Intermediate Gender Diversity (IGD): For all levels of employees and covers information about respectful interactions among transgender people we know whether they are coming out or already out. This entails concrete tips and tools about when to step up and other times step back.

    • Gender Diversity for Managers (GDM), which covers their specific responsibilities to transgender employees before, during, and after coming out at work.

  • Along with improving culture, there are also changes needed to systems, spaces, and procedures to increase inclusion of gender diversity in workplaces. Some common examples of support we provide to organizations include:

    • Policies & Procedures (e.g., transition guidelines, gender-affirming benefits)

    • Information systems (e.g., first names, pronoun, and gender data)

    • Washrooms (e.g., renovations and signage in existing buildings)

    • Communications (e.g., written and visual)

    Most clients initially think the changes are going to be quick and simple, but are surprised by their complexity. Don’t be fooled!

    • We provide you with insights about what is happening at other organizations.

    • We factor in both transgender and cisgender needs to ensure changes are smooth.

    • We help you maneuver around pitfalls and beeline to positive impacts.


Click here to download an information package describing our services.


Need help deciding between our offerings? Feel free to book a brief 1/2-hour meeting with us to support your decision-making process.